Wet Beaver creek hike, August 1999

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What a beautiful spot - I cannot believe that I have never done this hike before. And it is not that hard to get to - 4 miles in, and 4 miles out - and the trail is not too strenuous. You can even ride your mountain bike in for the first 2 miles and there is a rack to lock it up. This is a hot desert hike, so the pools are like a bit of heaven. The stream flows clear, cold, and free through here. Alongside us were Cottonwood, Aspen, and dark red sandstone canyon walls filled with a green riparian oasis. In the distance above were cactus, desert scrub, and pink sunbaked sandstone mixed with ancient black basalt rock formations. I was sure glad to be playing in the cold stream instead of baking on the radiating desert slopes above. Cold water, hot sun, and a nice hike!